Use Infographics: Boot the Regular Slideshow

Interestingly enough, I have been working on an infographic to present to students the differences between Persuasive and Argumentative writing. As with any lesson, even the topics we may think students to consider boring can become very exciting when taught in a fun perspective. I think an infographic can do just that. It can be colorful and present information in various ways.

Piktochart is very user-friendly, it has ready-to-use templates in the case that you can’t get your creative juices flowing. But, if you feel up to it, then be ready to use the many selections available for backgrounds, graphics, and fonts.

WARNING: Piktochart can become addicting and take you hours to complete with all the amazing selections it has.

Click on the image or insert the link below to check out the infographic for Persuasive and Argumentative Writing.

Persuasive vs Argumentative BIG

As another treat, here is another example I created, to use Piktochart to create a newsletter style communication to students and parents in your future classroom.

Family Communication Big

Place your comments or ideas below!!!